I do not offer a professional analyst training. If that’s your interest, please visit Your Own Authority or the International Human Design School.
I facilitate workshops that offer deeper insights into several themes I feel passionate about, that I’m good at and consider to be of great interest in terms of a general education that can be applied in daily life. They are offered online to individuals or groups. A preliminary conversation will shed more light on our way to go about it. For further info click here.
An introduction to Human Design
I’ve always felt passionate about introducing human design and highlighting its link with Social Anthropology. For newcomers who want to have a deeper under of this fascinating lens, I offer this 1 hour introductory talk where I use your charts as examples. For further info click here.
Understanding the Bodygraph
This is a two-weekend course that offers a deep insight on the make-up of the Bodygraph. I love it because in many ways it’s a course in Anthropology, something I’m still passionate about. We look at the energetic hardwiring of a human being – the Bodygraph. It is this hardwiring that allows all our human diversity socially, economically, culturally, religiously, kinship wise, creatively, etc. This is groundbreaking knowledge and very enriching education that can bring about a deep appreciation for you and the people in your life. For further information, click here.
Relationship Dynamics
This course allows us to see what the meeting and exploration of connection between two individuals brings about. The lens of Human Design provides a perspective that helps on our journey to embrace the other for who they are and not to loose ourselves in the other. Life flows differently within each one of us and each encounter can help us to come closer to ourselves so that we have more space to embrace the other in their difference and truly love them. This course addresses the frictions, the sparks and the compromises of relating, how we impact each other, what the meeting points are, where the playground of the connection lays, etc.
For further info, click here.
Is Love an Emotion?
Love can be experienced as an emotion but is it just that? The intention in this 2-day workshop is to look at the themes of love and emotionality together through the lens of design. It offers many perspectives on love and connection and an incredibly helpful look on the nature of our emotionality. Why do we have the sensation one loves the other more than the other? Why do we get so lost emotionally? Why do we fight for love? Why do we bitch on each other? These are just some of the themes that will be addressed. For further info click here.
Global Cycles
This is a fascinating aspect of Human Design describing the times we are living in and where evolution is pointing. It is very actual information that can be observed in everyday life and concerns us directly. In this course I share with you how the stage of life is shifting nowadays, what my own findings are, how it can be observed in the media and literature and why the lens of design is amazingly supportive for each one of us in addressing the future we are facing as a whole.
For further info click here.
The wheel
The Bodygraph is placed within a wheel. This wheel contains the layout of how human life unfolds and how it is “programmed.” Working with the wheel is my passion for many years now. In these courses I share with you my insights into the Quarters of the wheel (traditionally the Four Directions), our different stages of development in life, the I Ching, our mythologies, the way our brain develops throughout life, the potential consciousness that we lock away through approaching life mentally and how all of this plays out within your personal design. When we can see your design within the greater context of the wheel, we can see and take the challenge of living surrendered to our design. Each course takes a weekend and covers a quarter of the wheel. Pre-requisite: A reading and Understanding the Bodygraph course. For further info click here.