A Human Design reading is a great beginning to familiarise oneself with the perspective this lens can offer you.

The Bodygraph is a graphic representation of the way we humans are energetically hardwired. Within it we see how we are hardwired to empower ourselves, to belong, to share logically, abstractly and so much more. In and by itself such a perspective on our human nature is the deepest anthropological lens available on our human nature today.

But the synthetic nature of the lens provides a very specific gift to each individual in particular: it allows us to see how we are personally wired within this universal human hardwiring. How Mother Nature functions within each one of us differently and how we can come to live in resonance with Her through acknowledging our design’s intelligence.

In our chart we get to see how our specific life spark is anchored within the Bodygraph, what its inherent intelligence (Strategy & Authority) is and how that operates in resonance with Nature.

Whatever stays open (white) in a chart is where we are receptive to energy from our surroundings. It is here where our minds build their defence mechanisms. Knowing how these defence mechanisms operate, allows us to recognise them better and take a step towards the observation of our minds instead of being identified with them. In that sense, Human Design is an amazing bridge to meditation and self-love.

As a Certified Analyst I am not able to say anything about the content of your life. We point towards the way you are energetically wired and how that intelligence and those defence mechanisms operate for you. An analysis is the starting point of an exploration process with your own bio-energy. It allows trust in the intelligence of your unique life spark and promotes the observation of mind. It is your exploration with the information that will allow you to recognise how your design plays out in your life and to put the flesh on the bones so to speak! For further info CLICK HERE