For me, Human Design is an important quantum leap forward from Structuralism in anthropological theory. It offers us the map of the energetic architecture of life, something Cognitive Anthropology has been looking for since decades. On top of that, its synthetic nature offers each individual a unique Bodygraph showing the specific energetic wiring of our particular life spark within the human energetic hardwiring

It’s a tool that points and helps us to be all we can be – what Osho refers to as “Zorba the Buddha” – eternal consciousness awakened in a unique life experience!

To me, its value comes about through exploration. That starts in our daily lives and our relating but can be further explored through active meditations, meditative therapies, therapeutic approaches and creative endeavors and expressions.

As Ra Uru Hu said while banging his fist on the table in Ibiza: “If you don’t experiment with it, it’s just a f***ing piece of paper!”

I offer an experiential approach to those who see in Human Design a bridge to a deep energetic exploration of who we are. As a modern shamanic tool I bring it through a left-brain (understanding) as well as right-brain (heartfelt experience) approach!